Het is weer highlife in het mainstream mediawereldje dat nauw verwant is aan de elite die uit pure noodzaak van hun falende corrupte financiële systeem met alle macht proberen een wereldoorlog te forceren met in de hoofdrol Rusland. De toppers onder de collaborateurs van de elite zoals de volkskrant en de Telegraaf koppen dat de Russen een invasie begonnen zijn! Dat baseren ze op een anonieme bron binnen de NATO, de vechtclub van de elite die al weken soortgelijke berichten naar buiten brengen waarvan keer op keer blijkt dat ze uit de dikke duim van Rasmussen, de voor spek en bonen werkende secretaris- generaal van de NATO, gezogen zijn. In werkelijkheid trekt een Amerikaan altijd de kar van de NATO want de NATO heeft altijd een Amerikaanse bevelhebber.
De niet gekozen president van Oekraïne, Porosjenko, loopt ook al weken te stoken met de meest belachelijke berichtgevingen die steevast verzonnen blijken te zijn om de publieke opinie klaar te stomen voor een oorlog in Europa. Parallel aan deze vermeende gebeurtenissen worden de lang beloofde rapporten over de ramp met MH17 achter gehouden en krijgt de bevolking van de wereld geen uitsluitsel over de bemoeienissen van Rusland of de opstandelingen die volgens westerse bronnen hier de hoofdrol in gespeeld zouden moeten hebben. Tot op de dag van vandaag blijven die bewijzen uit terwijl er compleet volledige zwarte dozen zijn geborgen die met het meeste gemak kunnen worden uitgelezen, blijven de harde bewijzen die de VS al maanden gebruikt in vele interviews en internationale gesprekken uit.
Zoals de feiten er nu liggen begint het er steeds meer op te lijken dat de MH17 door anderen dan Rusland of de opstandelingen uit de lucht is geschoten om zodoende als Valse Vlag aanslag te dienen. Een valse vlag aanslag is een aanslag die door eigen organisaties opgezet en uitgevoerd wordt om zodoende een vijand deze daad in de schoenen te kunnen schuiven en een rechtvaardiging te krijgen om een oorlog te beginnen. Bewezen valse vlag aanslagen uit het verleden zijn bijvoorbeeld de aanslag op de USS Liberty in 1967 door, hoe kan het ook anders zou je haast zeggen, Israel, maar ook bijvoorbeeld de vermeende torpedojagers uit het Tonkin incident waarna de toenmalige president, net als nu, zonder toestemming van het congres een grote oorlog begon.
Veel mensen menen dat Valse Vlag aanslagen niet echt bestaan maar de feiten uit de geschiedenis laten anders zien. Nog niet zo lang geleden werd er in Syrië nog een valse vlag aanslag gedaan met chemische wapens om een totale oorlog tegen Assad te kunnen beginnen. Die wens is nog steeds actueel en wordt mede door het opbouwen van de zogenaamde Islamitische Staat ( IS ) langzaam nieuw leven ingeblazen. Het is ook geen geheim dat deze IS al jaren getraind en financieel gesteund wordt door landen en bronnen die achter de schermen nauw samenwerken met de financiële elite, landen die hierin te noemen zijn zoals Saoedie Arabië, Qatar, Turkije, Israel, Jordanië, etc.
Eén van de meest in het oog springende abnormaliteit m.b.t. tot bijvoorbeeld de Islamitische Staat, zogenaamde extremistische moslims, is dat zij landen zoals Syrië en Irak aanvallen maar Israël en anderen buiten schot laten. Naar mijn mening een duidelijke indicatie dat de landen die buiten schot blijven een rol spelen in dit geheel.
Ondanks het uitblijven van harde feiten over de vermeende inmenging van Rusland in de strijd van de opstandelingen tegen de ongekozen Kiev Nazie overheid, wat inmiddels wel bewezen is, mede ook door de vraagstellingen in de tweede kamer j.l. waar geciteerd wordt uit een artikel dat Bovendien enkele weken geleden plaatste. De kamervraag ging hoofdzakelijk over een TV oproep van een door Nederland en de UK gesteund TV kanaal in Oekraïne waar de verslaggever onverbloemd een oproep doet tot genocide.
Dat dit soort zaken simpelweg niet getoond worden in nationale journaals is ronduit onthouding van essentiële informatie waarmee de media zich schuldig maken een oproer kraaien en oorlogsophitsing van de bevolking.
Mensen in Nederland bent gewaarschuwd! U kunt niet meer vertrouwen op uw TV informatiekanalen want ze worden stuk voor stuk onder de knoet gehouden door het grote geld. Wiens brood men eet diens woord men spreekt. Ze spreken geen waarheid, ze doen niet aan hoor en wederhoor en ze doen stellingen die ze niet kunnen onderbouwen. De Nederlandse media is dood!
Hebben wij het dan altijd bij het rechte eind? Neen, zeker niet maar wij doen wel aan hoor en wederhoor, wij plaatsen geen stellingen die niet te onderbouwen zijn en wij propaganderen geen oorlogen tegen wie of wat dan ook. Wat wij nastreven is rust, vrede en vrijheid en een eerlijk geldsysteem waarmee iedereen een goed leven kan verkrijgen.
Als je dit soort doelstellingen hebt wordt je in Nederland ingekaderd, in de gaten gehouden en als het even kan aangepakt zodat je minder of helemaal niet meer schrijft.
Onthoud één ding goed! Als iemand iets stelt dan moet die iemand ook aantonen. De VS, IMF, EU en andere belanghebbenden stellen al weken dat Rusland achter de Oekraïne crisis zit, dit terwijl het toch echt van Balen en Timmermans waren die op de Maidan het volk extra ophitste warmee de hele ellende daar begonnen is.
De schaakzetten die eerder gedaan werden door de elite kunt u terug vinden in ons eerste artikel over deze gefingeerde crisis of zoals u wilt, valse vlag aanslag.
Laat u niet gek maken. Zolang wij onze kinderen niet als soldaten naar welk front dan ook sturen is er niets aan de hand. Als onze elite graag macht wil hebben in Oekraïne en andere landen dan zullen ze zelf moeten gaan vechten of hun eigen kinderen sturen. Niemand heeft baat bij een nieuwe wereldoorlog behalve die mensen die in de hoogste nood verkeren en dat is onze eigen financiële elite waarvan hun corrupte geldsysteem als en kaartenhuis in elkaar begint te vallen!
lachwekkend en zielig ??
Thanks for your strong stance on British sovereignty in the European Union. It's good to see a politician stand up for the people of the UK. We have another matter we'd like to bring to your attention.
Vote Count Fraud In The Scottish Independence Referendum
Recent video evidence on Youtube has shown compelling evidence that there may have been vote rigging during the Scottish independence referendum.
1) A video with 350,000+ views, showing what appears to be a man filling in multiple ballots himself.
2) A video with 35,000 views, showing a pile of votes with the label "No" on top of them. Zooming in on the pile clearly shows a vote marked yes.
3) Later in the same video, a woman is shown moving Yes votes into the No pile.
Invalid Result
We think it is safe to say that the election is invalid under British Law:
"Prosecuting authorities (the Crown Prosecution Service in England and Wales, the Crown Office in Scotland, and the Public Prosecution Service in Northern Ireland) are responsible for taking cases of alleged electoral fraud to court. They work closely with police forces to examine evidence about alleged electoral fraud before deciding whether or not to bring a prosecution."
We are notifying the police of this matter, and will be making a full legal complaint to the police in due course. We understand you probably have no knowledge of this alleged vote fraud, but as Prime Minister of the UK, you are fully accountable to the electorate. We hope you will act in the public interest and rectify this disturbing matter.
Media Coverage
Accusations of voter fraud have already appeared in the mainstream media:
It is not acceptable to dismiss these claims as Russian propaganda or internet conspiracy theory. The videos were taken by Scottish citizens of their own account. Secondly, it is not acceptable to claim that these video tapes represent isolated incidents. If even one vote count is doctored, the whole count is invalid. Three videos are evidence of widespread and possibly organised collusion
We, the undersigned, believe a full public investigation is in order.
Legal Notice
We live full and happy lives, and have no intention of committing suicide, walking under a bus, or having an unexpected heart attack. We do not grant anyone permission to interfere with our lives or this legal process.
David, as you are a staunch defender of democracy, we hope you will act to invalidate the results of the referendum, and recall a new, fairer referendum as soon as is possible.
Citizen Observation of Elections
Due to the complexities of modern bureaucracy, we feel it is only fair that Scottish citizen observers are allowed into the vote counting halls, to observe and record counting as it takes place. They can do this as volunteers, on their own time, while keeping a respectful distance from the counters. During the new referendum, it is not acceptable to simply appoint a few dozen outside observers. They are welcome, but citizens must be allowed entry too.
Each counter must have 5-10 citizens observing them at all times. Due to the circumstances surrounding this referendum, we are sure that no honest counter would object to this. Citizens of the UK are already used to being on camera all the time anyway.
alleen krijg je dan eerlijke antwoorden? duidelijkheid ?
bij eerder geplaatste link staat al bij
vaccinaties en autisme gelinkt..
de info die je noemde wordt ook hierin verwoord!
maar mijns inziens is het geen reden voor "labelen" zoals nu gebeurt
en medicamenten verplicht stellen .. wat levert dat etiket vertaald naar een rugzakje op....financieel voor de school? en wat doet het opgeplakte etiket sociaal met het kind? wat voor effecten hebben die medicijnen??
hier veel meer info over wat je bedoelt!
must see!!
Truthstream News #3: About All Those Vaccines...
What the CDC Won’t Tell You About SV40, Polio Vaccines and Cancer
Our updated SV40 report (see earlier report here), as featured in EP03 of Truthstream News: All About Those Vaccines… This still blows us away. No one has ever been held accountable. Nothing has ever been done.
“The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination†– Dr. Robert Bell, fmr VP International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital (Truthstream Media.com)
The public was kept in the dark for decades about tens of millions of polio vaccines laced with SV40, and its implications for the widespread epidemic of cancer.
The relevant facts were known by the scientific community back in 1960, but it wasn’t until lawsuits and investigative reports in the 1990s and a Congressional hearing in 2003 that the public was informed about the scale of the contamination and its possible link to many of the deadly forms of cancer spreading today. Yet little has been acknowledged in public discussion since that point.
In the aftermath of these admissions and inquiries, the CDC launched a fact sheet page on its website addressing the links between “Cancer, Simian Virus 40 (SV40), and Polio Vaccine†which noted the discovery of SV40, its presence in an estimated 10-30 million doses of polio vaccine and disputed scientific claims concerning its presence in cancer tumors and its possible role in causation.
Klopt niet helemaal Petra, ik heb een kleinzoon die altijd al wat in zijn eigen wereld leefde, maar nadat hij tegen mijn uitdrukkelijke verbod in toch door mijn dochter (zijn moeder) werd gevaccineerd met die antigriep zooi ontwikkelde dit zogenaamde adhd erg snel en toen na een klein onderzoekje merkte ik dat veel kinderen last kregen van van allerlei afwijkingen. Het is niet verzonnen het is gemaakt met allerlei gifstoffen die ook in die dktp prikken zitten. Kinderen worden echt opnhandelbaar. Maar ja, het maakt weinig uit want wat ik zei en wist en weet woog niet op tegen de brainwash die de overheid uitvoerde. Iedere ouder zei exact hetzelfde als de overheiud wilde dat ze zouden zeggen.
The US Central Intelligence Agency is frustrated for being asked to train the ISIL terrorist group and at the very same time to combat it, a former CIA contractor says.
The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, control large parts of Syria's northern territory. ISIL sent its fighters into Iraq in June, quickly seizing large swaths of land straddling the border between the two countries.
“They [the CIA] are very openly still supporting the very same group that they are trying to combat, and this is why they’re showing such exasperation for being asked to combat the group and at the very same time feeding it with the other hand,†he concluded.
Mysterious Illness Plaguing [censored] Who Received HPV Vaccine
[censored] In Japan Experienced Similar Reactions
Thousands of media outlets in the U.S. are now pointing to worldwide incidents involving the HPV vaccine and demanding answers from the FDA, CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services why the same vaccines are permitted in the United States.
Columbian Hospital Overwhelmed By Unconscious Teenage [censored]
Spain, Italy, Belgium: Battle lines drawn for independence after Scottish vote
Osama bin Laden, A.K.A.
CIA Asset "Tim Osman"
“ADHD is bedrog, met de intentie kinderen aan te moedigen tot een leven van medicijnverslaving en dit te rechtvaardigen,†zei Dr Edward C. Hamlyn, één van de oprichters van The Royal College of General Practitioners in 1998 over de verzonnen conditie. Aansluitend aan deze gedachte, zeggen psychiaters Peter Breggin en Sami Timimi, die beiden tegen pathologisering van de symptomen van ADHD zijn, dat ADHD meer een sociale constructie is dan een objectieve “stoornisâ€.
Omzetgroei door bedenken van nieuwe ‘ziektes’
“Vergeet niet dat er maar twee manieren zijn waarop farmaceutische bedrijven geld kunnen verdienen: nieuwe geneesmiddelen ontwikkelen, en nieuwe ziekten bedenken die al uitgevonden medicijnen kunnen behandelen,†schrijft Dr Jay Parkinson, MD, MPH, over de creëer-nep-ziekte industrie. “In de afgelopen tien jaar, hebben grote farmaceuten maar liefst 10 nieuwe medicijnen per jaar gemaakt,†voegt hij eraan toe, en merkt op dat veel van de mensen die verteld is dat ze last hebben van ADHD eigenlijk last hebben van “het gevolg van slecht ontwerpâ€, doelend op het conventionele sociale en educatieve systeem dat unieke individualiteit niet kan en wil herkennen.
Public Schools Are Making BILLIONS Off ADHD Scam
geen idee ...
Wat doet scientologie erbij!!??!!
Are you consuming the 9 most genetically modified foods? - See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/09/are-you-consuming-9-most-genetically.html#sthash.DwPaSDis.dpuf
Scientists Review 343 Studies To See If Organic Food Is Really Better For You – Here’s What They Found
World’s First 3D Printed Car Took Years to Design, But Only 44 Hours to Print
Exclusive: Billionaires secretly fund attacks on climate science
A secretive funding organisation in the United States that guarantees anonymity for its billionaire donors has emerged as a major operator in the climate "counter movement" to undermine the science of global warming, The Independent has learnt.
This murder conspiracy case might also break the media blackout on the Wanta case which has gone on since 2006, after the Treasury Dept. snatched his $4.5 million wire transfer from China into the Federal Reserve bank of Richmond, only to be tranferred to Golden Sachs the next day and off to Europe it went at part of the $16 trillion of liquidity pumped into the banking system there during the meltdown
The CDC, NIH & Bill Gates Own the Patents On Existing Ebola & Related Vaccines: Mandatory Vaccinations Are Near
. The truth of the matter is that these unholy and untrustworthy associations, when it comes to “fighting†the Ebola virus, represent the mere tip of the iceberg.
The more one digs into who is behind the creation and the development of vaccines for treating Ebola, the more the conspiracy networks widen. The most amazing fact is how incredibly easy it was to locate this information. I want to be clear on this point, Ebola was invented, a vaccine for Ebola has existed for 8-10 years, some government sponsored institutions as well as some of the global elite have positioned themselves to profit enormously from the spread of the virus and the development of and dissemination of mandatory Ebola vaccines and the imposition of total martial law in the process. Here is the proof.
What You Are Not Being Told:
Clearly, Ebola is manmade and this patent proves this contention. Why does the CDC need to own the patent on Ebola? Perhaps, we should ask Bill Gates why he is donating $50 million to the UN and the CDC in the name of fighting Ebola (see video below). The CDC has partners in the fight against Ebola, namely, Crucell, the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and, of course, Bill and Melinda Gates.
Do you understand how much we are being lied to by the media on this topic?
UK airstrikes against Islamic State extremists in Syria could be illegal without the agreement of President Bashar Assad’s government or a UN Security Council resolution, according to a House of Commons Library assessment.
Airstrikes against ISIS in Syria ‘illegal’ without Assad’s OK – report
How No campaigners saved the Union - in five key moments
The Better Together campaign were able to breathe a sigh of relief this morning after Scotland rejected independence - here are the five key moments that persuaded Scotland to stay
Alleged vote fraud in Scottish independence, Yes votes included in No votes.
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1033031/pg1 )??
"We Are About To Arm Some Rebels And Drone Some More Folks" - Obama Statement On Passage Of Syrian Strategy
If Scotland does decide to leave the UK, we can be sure that the Westminster elite and anti-Scottish media commentators will be ready to blame Alex Salmond, Scotland’s first minister, and his SNP party for the historic break-up.
Banks worldwide are warning of the financial folly that would follow Scotland’s decision to exit the United Kingdom. Scotland’s big banks talk of relocating to London, and other businesses are watching currency and economic ripples as the decision nears.
“The battle against terrorism starts with pressure on the countries that support and finance terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq and pretend that they want to fight against terrorism,†state news agency SANA quoted Assad as saying.
Damascus has criticized several countries in the past for arming Syria’s opposition – including the US, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.
Rep. Amash Says ISIS Mission Amendment Plainly Advances Regime Change in Syria
As we should have learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we must plan for multiple satisfactory ends to military conflicts before we commence them.
We are the representatives of the American people. The government is proposing to take their resources and to put their children’s lives at risk. I encourage all my colleagues to give the decision the weight it is due
Staged and Fake ISIS Attacks against the Homeland. Promoting Fear in America
The FBI has foiled yet another entirely fabricated terror threat of its own creation
Pandemic Preparedness FREE Online How-To Course
The Real Reason Russia is Demonized and Sanctioned: the American Petrodollar
10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids of Control
The Tomb of Alexander the Great Discovered: ‘Diplomatic Intervention’ Blocks Findings
6 causes of autism and a multi-faceted approach to treatment
Drop Out and Simplify Your Life
15 Syrian children dead following UN measles vaccination campaign
(..ondertussen meer dan 50 kinderen)
The UN has halted a measles vaccination campaign in northern Syria after at least 15 children died after receiving shots, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed in a joint statement.
However, UNICEF and the WHO are hopeful that the campaign could resume “as soon as possible.â€
Knight’s Templar, Scotland and Mysticism with Hugh Gilbert
Why The UK Is So Scared Scotland Might Split Off
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/scotland-uk-split-vote-reasons-2014-9#ixzz3DhFacqPx
Turkey refuses to allow its airbases to be used for military strikes against ISIL
Scientists Mapped 8,000 Galaxies Surrounding Us And Found *This* Amazing Discovery
If you are reading this, you are ready to take control of your mind. Since the beginning of our lives, our minds have been programmed by our surroundings and by the World at large. As we grow, evolve and awaken, we learn we have to take back control of our minds.
What are we taking control back from? Well, in part, the immense amount of cultural, societal educational and institutional programming that has greatly influenced who we are, how we view ourselves and our actions. - See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/8-ways-to-take-control-back-over-your-mind/#sthash.ISGLxkgw.dpuf
Is this the Breakthrough that Finally Ends ‘Big Oil’ and Brings Solar Power to the World?
The cells are flexible, cheap, and made from organic plastics and materials.
The Truth Behind The Energy Lie Suppression
Video: The benefits of cannabis outlined in this video will help you understand the value of this amazing plant.
These Are Photos Of Childrens Bedrooms. But They Represent Something Much, Much More.
The Plot Thickens: Putin Seizes Ukraine’s Spy Dolphins and No, He Isn’t Giving Them Back
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/the-plot-thickens-putin-seizes-ukraines-spy-dolphins-and-no-he-isnt-giving-them-back_092014#sthash.Bmc53ULs.dpuf
Holographic Disclosure 11.(The Second Warning)
Scientists Find ‘Direct Link’ Between Earthquakes and Process Used for Oil and Gas Drilling
! stargates
Assad calls to stop funding armed groups in Syria, Iraq
Cannabis Relieves Nerve Pain From Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, & Associated Conditions
Cold Turkey: Ankara not keen on supporting US led anti-ISIS coalition
As the European Union continues to pressure Google for concessions in an ongoing antitrust probe, Berlin is now urging the company to do the unthinkable: reveal its secret search engine formula.
'Snowden may well be right': New Zealand PM doesn’t rule out nation being spied on by NSA
Snowden was probably telling the truth, the prime minister told Radio New Zealand on Wednesday
"I don't run the NSA any more than I run any other foreign intelligence agency," New Zealand’s PM replied.
‘Putin on our side’: Farage demands West work with Moscow to defeat ISIS
al quaeda askes isis to release..
Put on trial American officials loyal to Israel for treason: Expert
American officials “take their orders from Tel Aviv; they have no loyalty to the American people, they have no loyalty to the American military and it’s their goal to have the US fight wars to the benefit of Israel at the expense of our treasure and lives of our young men and women in order to advance Israel’s goals,†Harris said.
The US government has long been “corrupted and infiltrated†by Israeli agents and US officials loyal to the Zionists, he said.
“The United States has been corrupted and been infiltrated by a foreign intelligence agency and by foreign interest,†he told Press TV on Monday.
Occupy group abolishes nearly $4 million in student loan debt
Sie haben zusammen mit rund 135.000 Menschen gegen das Leid der Schweinswale im Meeresschutzgebiet Borkum Riffgrund protestiert
Petitioned Henk Kamp
Schallkanonen-Boot stoppen! Schweinswale finden nichts mehr zu fressen, Junge verlieren ihre Mütter. Hoffnung: Umweltministerin auf unserer Seite, niederländischer Minister muss handeln!
Sehr geehrter Herr Wirtschaftsminister Henk Kamp,
Zurzeit suchen Energieunternehmen mit Schallkanonen in der niederländischen Nordsee nahe der deutschen Grenze nach Gasvorkommen und bedrohen dabei unsere einzige heimische Walart, den Schweinswal. Die Wale haben gerade Junge bekommen
English version:
Dear Minister of Economic Affairs Henk Kamp,
The company Hansa Hydrocarbons is currently conducting a seismic survey in the Dutch North Sea, close to the German border, with the objective to find potential gas volumes in the area. This seismic survey with airguns produces high intensity sounds which are a great threat to the only native cetacean species, the harbour porpoise. This is a very sensitive time for the cetacean as they just have given birth to their young and the new reproductive period is imminent.
With this sound disturbance the harbour porpoises will not find food and the young ones could lose the contact to their mothers as cetaceans communicate, hunt and get their bearings with acoustic signals. This is not possible because of the noise of the airguns.
Airguns are 10,000 times louder than jet-planes and the sound can be measured in even 1000 km distance. The ship with the airguns works 24/7. It needs to be stopped immediately! The survey area is in direct neighbourhood to the German Natura2000 protected area "Borkum Riffgrund", a very important habitat for the harbour porpoise, a species protected under the EU Habitats Directive. The use of airguns at this time of year violates EU legislation.
Every acoustic disturbance of the harbour porpoise can lead to a failure of survival of this generation and a possible loss of the future generation.
Mr. Kamp, stop the ship with the airguns! Campaign for a ban of airguns in our oceans. Alternatives are available. Protect the harbour porpoises in the protected areas or protected areas will become complete charades.
Consuming Canned Foods Increases Toxic Exposure 1000 Fold
Coconut Water is One of the Greatest Nutritional from Nature
Nestlé Removes GMO Ingredients from Baby Foods in South Africa, Not USA
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/3-companies-using-toxic-gmos-baby-formula/#ixzz3Da3H8gbE
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In the continuing saga of Dr.Richard Day’s 1969 explicit depiction of how the world’s population would be controlled and reduced, bear in mind that these are not the ramblings of a singular lunatic but the conspiracy imposed upon us by the rich and famous in an effort to have more of the Earth’s resources at their disposal.
Top 10 Medicinal Uses for Baking Soda
Soviet-era Tesla Tower restarted with spectacular lightning bolts (VIDEO)
Cocaine found in Vatican City diplomatic car
Police in France find cocaine and marijuana in a vehicle with Holy See diplomatic plates belonging to Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia
Norwegian Scientists Warn Against Eating Farmed Salmon: Everything You Need to Know About Farmed Fish
Pope Francis And Shimon Peres Discuss The Establishment Of A ‘United Nations Of Religions’
“War is Good for Businessâ€: Contractors Ready to Cash In On ISIS War
As the world gears up to finance Gaza’s $6bn reconstruction after Operation Protective Edge, an EU source has revealed that Israel will earn billions of euros by making sure that all the steel, concrete and other materials and other aid are sourced in Israel and benefit Israeli companies.
“It is outrageous that a country which has just demolished 25,000 houses is demanding that their construction industry benefit from rebuilding them at the expense of the international community.
This Is The Mother Of All Antioxidants
ja die is super !!!!
hier nog een "duidelijke"..!
Stop playing wargames in Ukraine - @Nigel_Farage
DANK voor deze link!!
wat een mooie oproep tot het verlaten van het kwaad, en terugkomen naar het mensdom en LIEFDE!
slechts deze twee..
ik kan deze eerste niet versturen/plaatsen
dus nu zonder titel proberen.
en eerder geplaatste karin hudes
You can find that map here. All you need to do is log in with the same account you use on your phone, and the record of everywhere you’ve been for the last day to month will erupt across your screen like chicken pox.
Use This Trick To See A Map Of Everywhere Google Knows You've Been
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/see-what-google-knows-about-my-location-2014-8#ixzz3DYfjK6Zx
How to delete and disable your Google location history
Interviewed in Kiev, Mr Blair said on Saturday that he hoped Scots would vote against independence, but warned that if Scotland voted to break up the United Kingdom then military intervention would be inevitable: “Obviously I hope that Scotland votes to stay part of the United Kingdom. But Scotland should prepare itself for a full-scale invasion by ground forces if it doesn’t.â€
The Sumerian King List still puzzles historians after more than a century of research - See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/sumerian-king-list-still-puzzles-historians-after-more-century-research-001287#sthash.au8xEhLm.dpuf
Nuclear Reactor Discovered Is 1.8 Billion Years Old
MIT Scientist Exposes Consequence of Monsanto’s Glyphosate & Aluminum Cocktail
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/dr-stephanie-seneff-mit-scientist-explains-synergistic-effect-aluminum-glyphosate-poisoning-cause-skyrocketing-autism/#ixzz3DVSrz9mf
Follow us: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook
Big Pharma Attacks Natural Medicine to Hide Own Death Toll (And It’s Shockingly High)
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/medical-hypocrisy-attacking-herbs-veils-hide-death-toll/#ixzz3DVTND62w
Follow us: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook
Society scares you into maintaining the false identity.
Posted: 09/16/2014 11:24 am EDT
Russia Threatens To Send More Troops To Crimea
We all begin to see the World differently than we did before. As we start to seek for the truth, we see through the veils of illusion in our society, governments and mainstream institutions. The downfalls of consumerism and materialism become glaringly obvious and we realize we must take responsibility for the lives we live, the choice becomes clear. - See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/10-life-changes-you-cant-avoid-on-the-path-to-awakening/#sthash.IkeHwKcs.dpuf
Brazil: Money Launering Operation “Car Wash†Uncovers Alleged Politicial Bribery by Petrobras
Something Horrible Was Done To Our Wheat In The 60′s That We’re Just Realizing Now
Tehran Warns Washington: US Campaign against Islamic State (ISIL), “No Excuse for Violating Sovereignty of Syria, Iraqâ€
US-NATO Military Presence at Russia’s Doorstep: Michel Chossudovsky
Underground cities and networks around the World – Discoveries (Part 2) - See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe-asia-americas/underground-cities-and-networks-around-world-discoveries-part-2#sthash.pp1HH96h.dpuf
Which causes cancer more quickly: cigarettes, diet soda or GMOs?
Untested GMO bananas to move directly to human experimentation
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046896_GMO_human_experimentation_GM_bananas.html#ixzz3DV6lNrne
The biggest lies told by the food industry
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046894_food_industry_marketing_claims_GMOs.html#ixzz3DVDZPxl2
Lavrov: No haste in MH17 tragedy probe, despite media hype
CIA Plane in Big Aussie-American Heroin Bust
US envoy to Ukraine caught posting fake images on Twitter
17 of The Most Underrated Medicinal Plants In The World
Here is the master list of countries with ith GMO Food/Crop Bans
How Monsanto and Big-Ag are Fighting Back Against Anti-GMO Activism
September 16, 2014 |
Former CIA contractor Steven Kelley says
“We all know that was a massive false flag operation directly benefiting and involving [Israel’s] Mossad,†Kelley told Press TV on Sunday.
“We also know that ISIL is a fabrication, it is a child of the US and Mossad.â€
Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.
If you have any questions about this story…you are a batshit, paranoid, tinfoil, dog-abusing baby-hater and will be reviled by everyone. If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock and roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never ever express doubts about any part of this story to anyone. Ever.
This has been a public service announcement by: the Friends of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, SEC, MSM, White House, NIST, and the 9/11 Commission. Because Ignorance is Strength.
Scientific Proof We Can Heal Ourselves
12 Facts About Microwaves That Should Forever Terminate Their Use
OUR Birth Certificate Is a Securitized BOND!
maar hier
een website van een vriendin
waar je zelf al veel info kunt vinden
er wordt op dit moment minder geplaatst
maar kijk ook even bij vorige bladzijden
hartelijke groet
zodat een ieder zelf een afweging kan maken
en meer info heeft om een oordeel te kunnen vormen
An Iranian military official says the United States has created the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group in line with its plots to sow discord in the Middle East.
People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do - See more at: http://www.trulymind.com/people-can-draw-energy-from-other-people-the-same-way-plants-do/#sthash.MYFBFVAq.dpuf
A senior European Union official has revealed that some EU member states have purchased oil from ISIL Takfiri militants despite their rhetoric against the group.
NATO member states have started supplying weapons to Ukraine, the country’s Defense Minister said on TV. His comments came a few days after a similar statement by a Ukrainian presidential aide sparked a diplomatic scandal and a rash of denials.
The Ugly Truth About Vaccines Is Coming To Light In New Developments
Russian Leader Warns, “Get All Money Out Of Western Banks Now!â€
Aangifte tegen Opstelten in zaak-Demmink wegens ‘ambtsmisdrijf’
Russia Sends Second Humanitarian Convoy Into Ukraine, And Nobody Says A Word
je hebt gelijk
dank je wel spring!
bedankt voor de leuke reactie!
ook leon en vladi
Ik lees ze en ben blij met de info.
Fijn dat je er verder niet op in gaat, het is het niet waard.
We gaan door met de live of life feed!!!
hartelijk dank voor je reactie
vriendelijke groet
Het wordt gewaardeerd.
Wilde dit even laten weten.
Groet Leon.
6 miljoen per maand is beter
deze discussie is voor mij afgelopen
succes verder met alles jenne
ik ben net terug van een wereldreis..
en het nieuws wordt me geleverd..
door contacten
(ik ga hier niet gooien met grote namen)
ga dus dit soort verhalen niet houden
als je iets niet weet..
en ja juist door het reizen en de extremere persoonlijke verhalen
plaats ik deze info nu!
enne ik heb genoeg geplaatst.
The Geopolitics of World War III
U.S. Plans to Collapse Europe | Jim Willie (Part 1)
Media Town-Watch now! The same area before&after Israeli attack
Let's Invade the Middle East Again - with Scott Grace
muziek ..
From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO)
On Live TV BBC Journalist Shows Coca-Cola President How Much Sugar Is In Their Drink
The 20 Healthiest Foods on the Planet
What If You Could Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs Overnight?
In fact, the concentration of mercury found in this GSK flu shot was 100 times higher than the highest level of mercury we've ever tested in contaminated fish.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045418_flu_shots_influenza_vaccines_mercury.html#ixzz3DJMXNRio
6 Limiting Beliefs That You Should Change Today
The world view of Scotland's vote: Russia turns blue, China sees red
Thousands rallied in Barcelona to call for a referendum on Catalonian independence from Spain. Scottish flags were spotted in the crowds. Photograph: Manu Fernandez/AP
Europe's biggest rally ever? Up to 2 million Catalans march for independence
Obama’s ISIS War Is Not Only Illegal, It Makes George W. Bush Look Like A Constitutional Scholar
Putin: New EU sanctions 'odd', Russia will consider safe alternatives, won't harm itself
Russia promises swift retaliatory measures to U.S. sanctions
Schumann Resonance And The Time Speeding Up Phenomenon
Cannabinoid Education
House of Perks: MPs claim record £103mn in expenses
Strategy Revealed: Make Syria "Look Like a Nail"
Russia warns US against strikes on Islamic State in Syria
Syria rebels, IS in “non-aggressionâ€
pact near Damascus
RT 9-9-14… “World leaders call for end to War on Drugsâ€
Undeniable Footage Of Jet Aircraft Spraying
The Midwest Respiratory Crisis – Infected Chemtrail Beta Test?
Israeli intelligence veterans' letter to Netanyahu and military chiefs - in full
Read the letter from 34 reserve soldiers who have served in Unit 8200 explaining why they refuse to serve in Palestinian territories
Putin, Xi urge stronger ties within security bloc
September 13, 2014, 4:27 am
9/11 was an Inside and Outside Job: Remembering Israel’s Role in 9/11
Change is on the Horizon
The men behind Barack Obama part 1
Shocker: Comparing deaths from medical drugs, vitamins, all US wars
Our Model Of The Solar System Has Been Wrong This Entire Time!
- See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/our-model-of-the-solar-system-has-been-wrong-this-entire-time/#sthash.8qEL7kDl.dpuf
Dutch Preliminary Report on MH 17 Crash
The Holographic Universe (Part One)
Scottish Independence: England's Shameful Secret
The Nuclear Truth about 9/11: A photographic portfolio
James Foley's family say US official threatened them with charge of supporting terrorism if they paid ransom - See more at: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/americas/james-foleys-family-say-us-official-threatened-them-with-charge-of-supporting-terrorism-if-they-paid-ransom-30583790.html#sthash.bqXlr2U4.eJABFRmT.dpuf
Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS.Law of attraction/vibes
5 Tips for Thriving in ‘The Matrix’
Tomb of Alexander the Great already found, archaeologist claims, but findings have been blocked by ‘diplomatic intervention’ - See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/tomb-alexander-great-already-found-archaeologist-claims-1020180#sthash.zTeQn8qq.dpuf
Camouflage and Coverup: The Dutch Commission Report on the Malaysian MH17 Crash is “Not Worth the Paper it’s Written Onâ€
This is not surprising, because the Kiev Maidan government had to give their OK to what could be published.
5 Ways To Free Yourself From Pain And Suffering Right Now!
- See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/5-ways-to-free-yourself-from-pain-and-suffering-right-now/#sthash.NlCe4rfh.Cgu1AUKW.dpuf
Arrest Kissinger for both 9/11s
Israel committed genocide in Gaza: EU delegation.!
An official European Parliament delegation that visited the besieged Gaza Strip after the recent Israeli onslaught on the blockaded area says Israel has committed “genocide†against the defenseless Palestinians, Press TV reports.
18 Amazing Health Benefits From Honey and Cinnamon
Mark Passio - "New" age bullshit and the suppression of the sacred masculine - extended with slides
US Presidential Candidate says, "Israel Did 911" Zionists Control US Politics.
managers, investors and pension savers are moving billions of pounds out of Scotland, according to industry executives, amid rising concerns about the financial consequences of a Yes vote in next week’s independence referendum.
“Independent†Scotland could claim part of $12.6b gold reserves
These People Reversed Diabetes In 30 Days With One Change
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 | 0 comments
- See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/09/these-people-reversed-diabetes-in-30.html#sthash.oQksED0O.dpuf
A Simple Cure For Cancer
Photos from inside the Vatican Secret Archives
Do-It-Yourself Greenhouses That Will Save You Some “Green†Too!
How To Not Pay Taxes
waarschijnlijk onzin???
The REAL World Map - You are being lied to
"The Wes Penre Papers"
(A Journey Through the Multiverse)
The First Level of Learning
The hidden empire below Stonehenge: Radar scanners find 17 more [censored] near ancient stones
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2750005/The-hidden-empire-Stonehenge-Radar-scanners-17-[censored]-near-ancient-stones.html#ixzz3CwV5UyrC
5 Essential Keys To Getting In Touch With Your Soul - See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/5-essential-keys-to-getting-in-touch-with-your-soul/#sthash.LJ71YdOL.YxFLHXpU.dpuf
Slechts paar dagen na vredesvoorstel van Poetin stuurt NAVO waarschuwing de wereld in:`Dit is de NAVO van morgen!`
Poetin stuurt Obama wandelen:`Ik heb mijn laatste voicemail achtergelaten`
​Hagel ‘not aware’ of secret deal to supply Kiev with lethal weapons
NATO to give Ukraine 15mn euros, lethal and non-lethal military supplies from members
Former US ambassador to UN suspected of money laundering
A man who previously served as United States ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the United Nations is reportedly being investigated by authorities in the US for allegedly laundering nearly $1.5 million.
Anxious EU Leaders Delay Russian Sanctions For "Few Days"
Almost 125 million EU citizens close to poverty
China Moves 12,000 Troops to Russian Border
Russian Retaliation Begins: Gazprom "Limiting EU Gas", Cuts Poland Supplies By 24% In Past Two Days
3 Suppressed Technologies that Could Revolutionize Your Daily Life
List R-oA2014
Once upon a time a man named Plato created a philosophy which clearly dictates the limiting perspectives of the conditioned mind and how our perceptions are created and accepted. If you didn’t understand that philosophy before, let me show you this video! This will explain it in a way you’ve never seen before.
He and his co-authors had published a 2004 study claiming there was no MMR-vaccine connection to autism. They had omitted vital data which contradicted that finding.
The MMR vaccine was causing autism. Thompson knew it. So did his co-authors. They buried that chilling fact.
Thompson made a deal with the CDC, where he is still employed. He would aid in the current media blackout, thus trying to preserve the reputation of his bosses.
The Synchronicity Key Part 1 of 4 - The Soul's Journey in a Living Universe
7 Ways to Trigger the Heart Field – The Most Powerful Healing Force There Is
Ayahuasca – Don’t Take It Before Watching This
Revealed: Europe’s "discreet" cooperation with Israel’s nuclear industry
Why Doctors “Do Not Want to Find a Cure for Cancerâ€
Lemon and Baking soda Miraculous combination: 10, 000 times stronger than Chemotherapy!
- See more at: http://fitlife.tv/lemon-and-baking-soda-miraculous-combination-10-000-times-stronger-than-chemotherapy/#sthash.L1hdnsYd.dpuf
A Simple Trick Removes Pesticides from Your Vegetables & Fruits
Below is Text of the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) Press Release as well links to the complete Dutch Security Board Report
The Full DSB Report is available online at
9 sep. 2014 Preliminary report – MH17 DOWNLOAD
Sweet victory for Mexico beekeepers as Monsanto loses GM permit
Supermarkets In Germany Force Poultry Industry To Ditch GMO Feed.
Read more at http://higherperspective.com/2014/09/germany-force-gmo.html#XLcRsKkbOXxZqImD.99
Heal cavities, gum disease, and whiten teeth with natural homemade toothpaste and diet
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046739_homemade_toothpaste_teeth_gums.html#ixzz3CtF9rrSW
The Miracle of Water: The Yin & the Yang
The Human Story ** James Oschman... The Living Matrix
Not a minor construction---a huge, enduring, institutional, wing-flapping, money-munching, poison-dispensing, Matrix-welding, yet "humanity-saving" invention.
UPDATE-Vladimir Putin Traitor to the New World Order says Jacob Rothschild
Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram
Positive Timeline: Earth will be utopia, not a dystopia or
link in vorige reactie werkte niet meer, hier een andere..
Dit is waarom Putin zo populair is
ja en ook goeie spirituele info (powerinfo)
it powers me up
The End of the Dollar System - Karen Hudes Interview
Putin threatens to release disputed Barroso call
Behind the Mask: True Face of the United Nations as ISIS is Branded New Game Changer
Top Whistleblower Leaks Critical Information that Will Anger You
The 216 Letter Sacred Hidden Name of God
This document will always be free, but if you can afford it, please by a physical copy of my book or download this document for posterity sake:
Most of all, enjoy the story. That’s what it’s all about. We are all part of the greatest story ever told and we all have a part to play.
The politicians teach us about greed and corruption.
The scientists teach us the value of knowledge without spirit. Let them keep searching for ‘LIFE’ in the universe while LIFE passes them by.
The priests teach us about hypocrisy.
The media teaches us about idol worship.
40 Facts Most People Don’t Know
Once you go down the rabbit hole, you will discover things that most people don’t know. Here are 40 outrageous facts that most people are clueless about.
7 Ways To Discover Your Life Purpose
Watch What Chief Seattle’s Words Do To This Water
Mercury and Fluoride - The Dumbing Down Of A Population
Awesome Space Probe Map Shows Every Mission Now Exploring Our Solar System
The Fluoride Deception exposes the truth about water fluoridation and the phosphate mining industry
World’s 100 Richest Could End Global Poverty 4 Times Over
And while the world’s 100 richest people earned $240 billion last year, people in “extreme poverty†lived on less than $1.25 a day
Europe's Austerity-Fueled Depression Keeps Getting Worse
That's the path Europe is on. It's largely the fault of Europe's fiscal policy makers, who have stubbornly refused to spend money to stimulate the economy. Europe has also imposed strict austerity measures
Dit is waarom Putin zo populair is
Drop the chains and shine on!
Why not? What’s holding you back from the next step? It’s time to get serious about breaking free and start making a real difference. That’s the challenge – for all of us. So why not just do it? Start with one thing at a time. The idiotic psychopathic so-called “rulers†have cornered humanity and ironically eliminated the options to do otherwise. Is this Universe giving us encouragement to make the next grade? I’m inclined to think so.
Encourage yourself – do something radical today and see your real liberated self in action.
PHOTO REPORT: Amazon Indian Warriors Beat and Strip Illegal Loggers in Battle for Jungle's Future
CDC caught in billion-dollar scheme to sell vaccines
Cancer is Curable NOW – The Must Watch Documentary
Newly discovered ancient Christian magical spell reveals Egyptian influence
Discovering the Purpose of Your Incarnation
Health Ranger launches 'A Blueprint for Safer Vaccines' - calls for reforming 'barbaric' immunization technology
8 Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation.. and Free Ourselves From It
Purpose of Chemtrails
Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014 -
The Obama-Cameron narrative borders on ridicule. It is not only absurd, it is criminal.
What they are proposing is an all encompassing NATO mandate to “Go after Terrorist Entities†which they themselves created as part of an insidious intelligence operation to destabilize and destroy both Syria and Iraq.
British and French Special Forces have been actively training Syria opposition rebels from a base in Turkey.
Israel has provided a safe haven to Al Qaeda affiliated rebels including ISIS and Al Nusrah rebels in the occupied Golan Heights.
Snowden Documents Revealed: ISIS Caliphate working for America and Israel.
ISIS EXPOSED 100% AS CIA OPERATION: "The Next Bin Laden is Here" - Don't Be Fooled
Official statements from the Russian government indicate that the president and foreign minister continue to rely on the good will of “our Western partners†to work out a reasonable diplomatic solution to the trouble in Ukraine caused by Washington. Not only is there no evidence of this good will in Western capitals, the hostile measures against Russia are increasing. Moreover, hostile measures are on the rise even though their main effect is to disadvantage Europe.
Russia Negotiates Ceasefire In Ukraine: NATO Responds With Troops, Warships, and Sanctions
Ukraine ceasefire: Putin lays out 7-step plan to stop hostilities in E. Ukraine
The Malaysian MH17 time bomb awaits its day of reckoning. Russia’s UN ambassador Mr. Churkin has been taunting Kiev about when do they think they will be able to find and turn over the air traffic control tapes of that day. Kiev and some helpers are at the top of the suspect list as the murderers. The US joined them as an accessory after the fact by withholding its own satellite images and communications intercepts, which everyone knows we have.
The Netherlands and Malaysia have also done a great disservice to their people through their meek response on the non-cooperation of both the US and Ukraine in the investigation. You can add in the aviation organizations who filed some paperwork requests and then bowed out of the controversy, as they suspect the murders are going to be a big scandal.
We have had the OSCE European observers on the ground repeatedly reporting that no Russian troops had crossed the border, but they were ignored by Western media, nations and especially, NATO.
The good part about a ceasefire is that more reporters will be able to get in to start interviewing the folks, especially the Ukrainian army, to learn the details of the disaster. We will be able to find out a lot more about the “Western contractors†and the oligarch brigades… Jim W. Dean ]
A 2010 Washington Post article authored by former Army Intelligence Officer Jeff Stein features a detailed account of how the CIA admittedly filmed a fake Bin Laden video during the run up to the 2003 Iraq war.
wat iedereen zou moeten weten...
Een volgende false flag met echte doden is waarschijnlijk onderweg, Dontesk !!!!
_________________________________________________STOP THE MADNESS!
Ziek van de oorlogen?
De alternatieve media doet gemeenschappelijk een oproep om ziek thuis te blijven uit protest tegen de oorlogszucht die in de wereld heerst!
Steeds meer wordt duidelijk dat de oorlogen gaan om grondstoffen en monetaire controle. De aanval op Irak was gebaseerd op leugens. De aanval op Libye was op basis van ooggetuigen van niet regerings gelieerde organisatis en bleken naderhand niet waar. Ghadaffi had zijn eigen bevolking niet gebombardeerd met een straaljager.
Dan de pogingen om Assad van zijn positie te stoten door een gasaanval te plegen op burgers. Deze aanval werd gedaan door het terroristenleger van de CIA, Al Quaida, en werd Assad in de schoenen geschoven.
Israel heeft wekenlang een opgesloten bevolking in een uiterst dicht bevolkt gebied bestookt met raketten, granaten en ander hels tuig.
En dan nu is dan de Oekraine aan de beurt. De oorlogsindustrie draait op volle toeren. De leugens achter de oorlogsretoriek worden steeds brutaler en openlijker.
Wij willen geen oorlog!
Alle burgers in de wereld willen vrede. Wij willen vrede! Daarom deze actie.
Wij roepen iedereen op om op 15 september, de dag voor prinsjesdag, ziek thuis te blijven uit protest tegen de continue oorlogszucht van onze wereldleiders en specifiek de steun die onze regering en die van de EU in deze oorlogen geeft!
Ik moest het ook even tjekken hoor!
Australia to open embassy in Kiev and provide military assistance
EU prepares emergency ‘Plan B’ blueprint in case Russia halts gas - report
Putin breaks ground on Russia-China gas pipeline, world's biggest
Jim WIllie: Saudi's are on the verge of joining Russia in non-dollar oil sales
Putin challenges dollar by calling for the rouble to be used globally for energy
The Collective Evolution III: The Shift | Official Release 2014
300+ Documentaries Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind
perfecte samenwerking!!
U.S., allies to stage exercises in West Ukraine as battles rage in East
In addition to staging air force exercises, the United States is moving tanks and 600 troops to Poland and the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania for joint maneuvers in October, replacing a more lightly armed force of paratroopers.
The United States European Command (EUCOM) says the exercise this month will involve about 200 U.S. personnel as well as 1,100 others from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Britain, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania and Spain.
3 September 2014 Russia Planning Major Nuclear Military Exercises
In the latest sign of rising tension with NATO over the Ukraine crisis, Russia is planning to conduct major military exercises this month involving more than 4,000 soldiers.
Russia’s strategic nuclear forces to hold major exercise this month | Reuters
BREAKING: Chaos Unfolding… U.S. Plans War Games in Ukraine, Russia Plans Nuclear War Exercise, France Suspends Delivery of Warship to Russia
nog even en ze komen het nieuw bij ONS halen!
We hebben nog net geen LIVE FEED!
While only 'humanitarian adviser' boots on the ground are present in Iraq (and Syria), Reuters reports that preparations are under way near Ukraine's western border for a joint military exercise this month with more than 1,000 troops from the United States and its allies.
Palestinians win war, take giant leap toward final victory
Stephen Colbert: ‘ISIS Has Now Attracted the Most Heavily Armed, Violent People on Earth: Americans’
Terrorist Threat Level Raised, Britain Responds With Jokes
The Huffington Post UK
Or does someone have a link with the full translation?
politicians stated that the interview is pulled out of context, that it is manipulated.
So it would help if we know full text.
СпаÑибо ,
Once again we see Western aggression leaving nothing but death, destruction and broken states in its wake. There is the old saying that we all are supposed to learn from our mistakes in life, but that is a dead cliché now. We do just the opposite by repeating them over and over. How stupid is that?
The Kiev Coup-meisterings are staggering around like a Spanish bull at the end of a Sunday fight, tired and bleeding. They seem to have no strategy other than lie after lie, their favorite being “The Russians are invading!!†If the military high command had the brains and the guts, they would do a counter-coup, crush the Right-Sector and the Oligarchs, and save what is left of the country. How do I know they don’t have the guts? If they did, they would have done it already.
The West has pulled out all the stops to hide what is happening. Corporate media has gone propaganda all way in this fiasco.
Kiev retracts 'permanent' ceasefire statement, says steps for establishing peace agreed
Castro compares NATO to Nazi SS, slams US, Israel for ‘creating ISIS’
Nicaraguan President: Netanyahu Is ‘Possessed By The Devil’
wapenstilstand afgekondigd!
Russland und die Ukraine haben sich nach Angaben des Präsidialamtes in Kiew auf eine permante Waffenruhe für den Osten des Landes geeinigt. Eine entsprechende Vereinbarung hätten die Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und Petro Poroschenko in einem Telefonat erzielt, hieß es am Mittwoch.
En nog meer niet zo verassend nieuws Yatzenyuk blijkt de corrupten te beschermen. GOH!
Tetjana Schornowil treed hiervoor af ze kan het niet meer aanzien!
daaag eu geld
maaar IMF dacht nu ze aan het vechten zijn mag er meeeeeeer eu geld naartooe
en dan is het ook logisch dat het naar de BANKEN gaat toch???
een matrix
en worden we uitgespeeld..
en de films....verraden...
Anyone who still doesn’t believe there is an international alliance working to defeat the New World Order, and that this alliance includes members of the US military and intelligence community, really needs to watch Captain America.
I believe we started seeing that right away with Ironman 3, and even more so with Captain America, which was undoubtedly inspired by the Snowden documents.
If you combine this film with Ironman 3, both of which are part of the same Avengers franchise, you can see that hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to tell us the truth and prepare us for major changes ahead.
These films are being used to telegraph high-level arrests of the Cabal. It is disclosure disguised as entertainment.
Now you have to combine that basic message of state-sponsored false-flag terrorism — which should still be very relevant with the manufactured ISIS threat — with what we are now seeing in Captain America.
Donetsk Republic Sends Captured Ukrainian Soldiers Home to Mothers and Wives
rusland aan het woord....
Interview with Sergei Glaziev - Advisor to President Putin
ja maar Merkel is nu in haar ontkenningsfase van alle bewijzen de er zijn dat er geen russische troepen te vinden zijn en dus nomineer ik haar voor een ICEBUCKET CHALLENGE
potdorie gewoon doorliegen!
zet alle feiten en leugens op een rij
hoe we er in geluisd zijn!!
met bewijs van vs eu
vooropgezet plan!
incl mh17
deel op facebook!!!!
laat iedereen zien!!!
Proof Ukraine Crisis Was Manufactured By U.S. Government - GMN Wake-Up Call
GEEN RUSSISCHE INVASIE zegt waarnemer!!!!!
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten | Veröffentlicht: 01.09.14, 11:16 | Aktualisiert: 01.09.14, 12:29 | 31 Kommentare
Die OSZE hat aufgrund ihrer Beobachtungen in der Ost-Ukraine keine Hinweise auf eine Präsenz von russischen Truppen auf ukrainischem Boden. Das sagte ein Sprecher der Organisation den Deutschen Wirtschafts Nachrichten. Die Organisation ist mittlerweile mit 250 Mitarbeitern in der Region und kann offenbar einigermaßen unbehindert beobachten. Die Nato hatte zuletzt behauptet, Beweise für russische Militär-Operationen zu haben. Die ukrainische Führung spricht seit Tagen von einer „Invasion“ der russischen Armee.
dat sluit aan bij het cnn verslag
en dit memo aan merkel van veteranen zegt ook wat
Hopefully, your advisers have reminded you of NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s checkered record for credibility. It appears to us that Rasmussen’s speeches continue to be drafted by Washington. This was abundantly clear on the day before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq when, as Danish Prime Minister, he told his Parliament: “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. This is not something we just believe. We know.†lees het hele artikel!
en een beetje humor in het geheel met een kern van waarheid HOE zou het er uitzien als er wel een invasie al was geweest:
After thirteen long years of one revelation after another, it has now been established that the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington DC were perpetrated by the very same governments that had the most to gain from them. The US Federal Government, along with the UK and Israel, have each been implicated in the most purposeful and calculated, complex and premeditated false flag operation of this millennium.
9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators
Since Vladimir Putin has no intention of starting World War 3, he can only respond to US-EU meddling by using asymmetric warfare on the internet. Were the American people to understand that the US Federal Government perpetrated the 9/11 destruction, everything would change in a heartbeat. Because the Obama Administration has shown no sign of aborting its planned takeover of the Ukraine, Russia is left with very few, but still quite potent option.
As a matter of fact, their many desperate attempts to trigger a full blown World War III in the Ukraine provide further testimony that they know their time is up. The ongoing dissolution of the Global Economic & Financial Control Matrix is another example of just how extreme their actions have become.
These devices were used in the Bali bombing and the London bombing and in Japan on their reactors. (Editor’s note: Nuclear weapon use in Bali confirmed) Also used in Damascus, Iraq and Afghanistan by the US. (Editor’s note: Multiple confirmation including site samples.)
If you read this excerpt closely, you can clearly see that Russia means business. It is what they did not say — directly — that makes this data-dump so poignant … and dangerous to the Anglo-American power structure.
Er is echt wat aan het gebeuren!
MH 17 overheid betrapt op grove misleiding bevolking!
maakt ook niet uit wie die brief wel of niet heeft ondertekend
de brief is nieuws en zet iets in beweging!
We are moving now to try to have native language readers helping us to not miss gems like this in their national media, as it is very important to get efforts like these publicized as quickly as possible.
What these Dutch Intellectuals have done is given us a template for others to follow.
If we are to build up a cross-border network, we must first seek out and learn more about their opposition forces, so we can get acquainted with each other to explore ways to leverage our efforts.
We also want to eliminate as much duplication of effort as possible, in terms of nailing down how the elites are trying to scam us with all of these destabilization programs.
We can save a lot of time reinventing the wheel if we can learn quickly of a proven template being available to be adapted from one country to another. There are all kinds of things we can do to help even a small group get bigger that are easy and inexpensive to do.
The most obvious one for here in the US is to have our readers email this letter to the Dutch embassy in DC and also their closest consulate, and tell them you whole-heartedly support it, and ask when the Dutch government is going to get off its knees to the major power manipulators.
These embassies will be reporting back home at the end of each day on how much traffic they are getting, because that is their job. This allows us to use the communication structures we have in place now and respond quickly to try to push a story like this into mass media for more exposure.
The breakthrough the Dutch have given us is to begin using the obvious link that all of these destabilization efforts have been an offense by elites in Western governments for reasons they do not think we will agree with, hence they have cut our approval out of the process. Instead of lots of fragmented efforts with limited and evaporating effect, they can all be rolled into one big fist to pound back with.
The bridge we have to get over now is to not have our spreading the news around be the end of our efforts. We have to create a mass action capability to take us up to the next level of having more influence... Jim W. Dean ]
Ik weet of je gezien hebt hoe die USA politie gekleed gaat, en bewapend is, van oom agent is weinig meer over, de Fema kampen komen in zicht, zeker bij het vermoorden van onbewapende zwarte jonge manne, de USA is ziek, the land of the free ones upon a time, long a go !
Gewoon niet kijken is niet een probleem oplossen maar behoorlijk kop in het zanderig. Best jammer dit te lezen ..
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US-Think-Tank: Krise in der Ukraine ist die Schuld des Westens
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten | Veröffentlicht: 31.08.14, 01:22 | 134 Kommentare
Das Council on Foreign Relations sieht die Hauptschuld für die Eskalation in der Ukraine beim Westen. Die Einkreisung Russlands durch die NATO, die Expansion der EU und der - durch den Westen finanzierte Umsturz in Kiew hätten die Krise ausgelöst. Die ständigen Schuldzuweisungen an Putin seien deshalb falsch.
Slowakije dreigt met veto tegen nieuwe eu sancties
Slowakei droht mit Veto gegen verschärfte Russland-Sanktionen
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten | 31.08.14, 16:42
In der EU gibt es deutliche Widerstand gegen verschärfte Sanktionen gegen Russland. Der slowakische Premier Fico nannte die Sanktionen "überflüssig und kontraproduktiv" und droht mit einem Veto. Der Chef von Rosneft bohrte in den Wunden der europäischen Export-Industrie und sagte, wenn Deutschland seine Maschinen nicht an Russland liefern wolle, dann werde man sie eben in Südkorea oder China kaufen.
Rasmussen stelt dat in 2008 toetreding tot eu is beloofd aan oekraine
vreemd want officieel mag een land niet in oorlog zijn om toe te treden tot de eu. Als zij nu toetreden hebben wij off. oorlog met rusland en moeten wij de nazies van oekraine helpen???
Wij zouden er weinig van meekrijgen, net zoals we nu weinig meekrijgen van water in Ukraine, of de VS gebeurt. Probleem opgelost.
De troepen waren wettelijk verplicht hun volk te beschermen, in plaats van bescherming hebben ze hun volk aangevallen.
Las ergens dat dit kan betekenen dat de erkenning van rechtsgeldigheid van regering oekraine nu in het geding is daar zij de grondwet hebben verzaakt.
NN: Novoazovsk niet van het epicentrum van de Russische invasie ......................................... ..........
Leven in Novoazovsk die onlangs milities heroverde de Oekraïense leger, is de normale gang en de stad ziet er rustig, aldus CNN. Volgens de correspondent kanaal, heeft de regio niet gezien de aanwezigheid van de Russische "plunderende leger ', zoals de lokale bevolking nogal angstaanjagende herinneringen aan het gedrag van de Kiev soldaten.
Een van de Oekraïense militaire leiders gezegd dat volledige invasie door de Russische militie toegestaan ​​om de controle van een van de steden in het kustgebied in het zuidoosten van Oekraïne nemen. CNN correspondent Diana magnesium met een verslag van de regio, die het nieuwe front felle Oekraïense conflict geworden.
In de verte, achter dit verlaten ijkpunt is de Russische grens. Blijkbaar Oekraïense troepen tijdens hun terugtocht in een haast en verliet de dure apparatuur te roesten in de open lucht.
Het leven in een nabijgelegen dorp, lijkt heel normaal te zijn, behalve dat het hoofdkwartier van de grenswachten. Volgens de lokale bewoners, liet vorige week, als meer dan 20 andere grensposten langs de Russisch-Oekraïense grens.
Praktisch is er niets dat de regio zou kunnen beschermen tegen de plunderende legers behalve die heuvels. Echter geen rovende leger niet zichtbaar.
"Ik heb gehoord over de Russische tanks, maar in ieder geval, niemand kan het bewijzen, - zegt deze oudere man. - Ik ben meer bang voor de Oekraïense leger. Ze komen hier op een motorfiets met een pistool. Soms komen ze dronken. "
Milities, die zijn gelegen aan de rand van Novoazovsk kijken ontspannen. Ze worden gehouden op de nieuwe locatie na heroverde de stad van de Oekraïense troepen. Grotere havenstad Mariupol, nu hun volgende doelwit.
Deze militie commandant zegt dat de tanks zijn trofeeën die zijn strijders gevangen onder Lugansk en worden niet geproduceerd in Rusland. Hij wil niet om het te nemen van zijn gezicht, maar zijn bijnaam is "vet" is bekend geworden in de gelederen van de militie na de gevechten in Lugansk.
DIANA magnesium correspondent CNN: Denk je dat je genoeg wapens en tanks naar Mariupol vast te leggen?
"Het is een kwestie van training en mijn mensen zijn beter voorbereid dan de Oekraïense troepen," - zegt hij.
Kiev vreest dat dit zal leiden tot de ontdekking van een nieuw front in het zuid-oosten van Oekraïne, langs de oevers van de Zee van Azov.
DIANA Magnet: voor de stad, die, volgens de Oekraïense autoriteiten, is in het midden van een directe militaire interventie door Rusland, Novoazovsk ziet er erg rustig. Hoewel de aanwezigheid van milities zeker voelde, het lijkt erop dat er veel meer moet zijn om verder te gaan naar Mariupol of meer. Diana magnesium, CNN, Novoazovsk, Oekraïne.
Materiaal dat door CNN International.
Vertaling door RT.
Verliezen aan Oekraïense kant enorm; dit verklaart Poroshenko's vlucht naar voren; NOS negeert deze essentiële informatie compleet. Putin doet beroep op Noworossiya corridor te openen voor opgesloten zittende soldaten.naar Rusland te bieden om onnodige doden -ook aan zijde van het Oekraïense leger- verder te voorkomen.
Volgende week gaan 2e Kamer leden bijgepraat worden door de NAVO in Londen.... http://www.tweedekamer.nl/vergaderingen/commissievergaderingen/details/index.jsp?id=2014A03351
Goed bezig blikopnos !
Weet U waar Kolomoisky voor staat, Zio-yews, het bruggehoofd voor een nieuw Eoropees Israel gaat niet lukken, je kunt hun macht voelen, heel Europa danst naar hun pijpen, ze hebben volkomen de leiding in handen in de Oekraine, van de Burgemeester van Kiev tot en met de President, geholpen door hun familie uit de USA-CIA-Mossad.
Ook de Europese bank en nu ook de minister van Financien van Frankrijk, gestuurd door Goldman&sachs, en Rotshild, onze minister van Financien hebben ze daar niet bij nodig.
Ukraine's False Flag Plane Shoot Down
Kolomoisky’s forces are armed with advanced weaponry, obtained both from Ukrainian weapons inventories and from purchases on the black market. Kolomoisky’s forces reportedly possess the BUK surface-to-air missile system said to have been used to shoot down MH-17.
echte soldaten vind je niet in het perverse verwende west Europa, waar ze voor vechten is geld, een ideologie is er niet om te verdedigen, ook geen vaderland, dit samengeraapte zooitje wat zich de EU noemd is niet de moeite om jeleven voor te geven, hebben we gezien in Sreblinca, de tijd van oorlog is voorbij in Europa, Putin houd zijn hoofd cool, en schaakt rustig verder, terwijl Rasmussen niet weet wat hij moet doen om de Oekrainse crisis te vergroten, de oorlogs misdadiger, leend zich overal voor.
1 reactie was ; de vs heeft de macht hier al in oekraine
heeft de vs ooit ergens iets goeds of vrede gebracht?
libie irak enz..
waarom wilde nederland het goud niet terug geven ..
heb eerder linken hierover geplaatst..
onder druk van wie... was een rel...
meer over goud zie vooral de link politicalvelcraft/ laatste link
NATO is reportedly working towards the creation of an expeditionary force composed of 10,000 troops from seven different member states as a result of escalating tensions with Russia over the conflict in Ukraine.
According to the Financial Times, the force’s creation will be spearheaded by Britain and involve contributions from Denmark, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Norway, and the Netherlands. Canada is also interested in joining the group, but it’s not known what its final decision will be.
EU sanctions are emotional step instructed by US – Russian parliament speaker
‘United Continent’: European volunteers fighting Kiev troops in Eastern Ukraine
​Monsanto in Ukraine: IMF loan for Ukraine may give GMO giant a backdoor into EU
After Ukraine’s Gold Was Stolen For “Safe Keeping†At Rothschild’s Federal Reserve, Kiev’s Failed State Now Fails Further.
The IMF carpetbaggers have already been through Western Ukraine, pilfering all that they can – Ukraine’s gold reserves have gone! That didn’t take long did it? Why the rush to take the gold? It had been safe in Ukraine for years; only their orchestrated intervention caused unrest, but it was still secure. Now, with eyes firmly set on the East, the industrial heart of Ukraine, they see Russians as their obstacle.
Latest Heist: Obama Quietly Snatches the Ukraine’s Gold Reserves
Ukraine’s Gold Reserves Secretly Flown Out and Confiscated by the New York Federal Reserve
Moammar Qaddafi’s Sin Against The Kissinger Petrodollar ~ Libya’s Confiscated Gold By NWO.
Qaddafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar
wederom rode draad in dit verhaal: NO EVIDENCE
Kijk eens hoe blij de russische en oekrainse mensen ermee zijn de commentaren eronder.. dan weet je weer waar je het voor doet...
of dit traditioneel gaat gebeuren of Neutronenbommen, maakt wel verschil, op VT van gisteren ook mooi artikel over sancties hoe die terug komen naar de EU als een boemerang de USA blijft aardig buitenschot, wat een onverstand zeteld er toch in Brussel , en we hebben ze niet eens gekozen, waar blijft onze Europese Ché Chevarra!!!
ik dacht we krijgen bijval!
maar maakt niet uit
de brief bestaat
bedankt spring
Sorry het is niet waar, het is een eigen leven gaan leiden in de buitenlandse pers,
staat herziene versie op de ommekeer
Mij maakt het niet uit of Cees rop staat met zijn krabbel, elk wijs mens ziet dat deze situatie ziet dat het westen buiten proporties handelt, en Putin verdient daardoor
een sorrie!
Ik hoop wel dat Cees nog even tekent..
Nederlandse intellectuelen en professoren verontschuldigen zich bij Putin
voor de leugens van vlucht MH 17, voor de Nederlandse regering en media...
‘A letter sent by a prominent Dutch Professor to Russian president Vladimir Putin has attracted much media attention in Europe. The letter was written by Professor Cees Hamelink and signed by dozens of Dutch intellectuals and professors. Below is the letter in its entirety:
Dear Mr. President Putin,
Please accept our apologies on behalf of a great many people here in the Netherlands for our Government and our Media. The facts concerning MH17 are twisted to defame you and your country.
We are powerless onlookers, as we witness how the Western Nations, led by the United States, accuse Russia of crimes they commit themselves more than anybody else. We reject the double standards that are used for Russia and the West. In our societies, sufficient evidence is required for a conviction. The way you and your Nation are convicted for ‘crimes’ without evidence, is ruthless and despicable.
You have saved us from a conflict in Syria that could have escalated into a World War. The mass killing of innocent Syrian civilians through gassing by ‘Al-Ââ€Qaeda’ terrorists, trained and armed by the US and paid for by Saudi Arabia, was blamed on Assad. In doing so, the West hoped public opinion would turn against Assad, paving the way for an attack on Syria.
Not long after this, Western forces have built up, trained and armed an ‘opposition’ in the Ukraine, to prepare a coup against the legitimate Government in Kiev. The putschists taking over were quickly recognized by Western Governments. They were provided with loans from our tax money to prop their new Government up.
The people of the Crimea did not agree with this and showed this with peaceful demonstrations. Anonymous snipers and violence by Ukrainian troops turned these demonstrations into demands for independence from Kiev. Whether you support these separatist movements is immaterial, considering the blatant Imperialism of the West.
Russia is wrongly accused, without evidence or investigation, of delivering the weapons systems that allegedly brought down MH17. For this reason Western Governments claim they have a right to economically pressure Russia.
We, awake citizens of the West, who see the lies and machinations of our Governments, wish to offer you our apologies for what is done in our name.
It’s unfortunately true, that our media have lost all independence and are just mouthpieces for the Powers that Be. Because of this, Western people tend to have a warped view of reality and are unable to hold their politicians to account.
Our hopes are focused on your wisdom. We want Peace. We see that Western Governments do not serve the people but are working towards a New World Order. The destruction of sovereign nations and the killing of millions of innocent people is, seemingly, a price worth paying for them, to achieve this goal.
We, the people of the Netherlands, want Peace and Justice, also for and with Russia.
We hope to make clear that the Dutch Government speaks for itself only. We pray our efforts will help to diffuse the rising tensions between our Nations.
Professor Cees Hamelink ‘
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- See more at: http://yournewswire.com/dutch-intellectuals-apologize-to-putin-for-lies-on-mh17-syria-ukraine/#sthash.MfHUHreL.gYqW9qkh.dpuf
Nou daar zijn we klaar mee..... mijn oorlog wordt jouw oorlog zo werkt dat .... zo een geraffineerd vals spel.
slim van Amerika toch een oorlog proberen te forceren en het vuile werk door Europa op laten knappen kan Meneer Obama lekker bij de haard blijven zitten en kijken hoe het afloopt.
Laten we hopen dat onze grote leiders nog uit hun roes ontwaken voordat er een echte ramp gebeurd
De minimale vlieghoogte in het gebied was door Eurocontrol op dat moment gesteld op 9,7 kilometer (32.000 voet). Eurocontrol had geen advies gegeven om het luchtruim boven het oosten van Oekraïne te mijden.
Een Boek-raket, waarmee vlucht MH17 zeer waarschijnlijk is neergehaald, heeft een bereik van ruim 20 kilometer en kan doelen raken tot op 14.000 meter hoogte
Die Timmermans toch......... familie van Pinoccio?????
Hoe zit het nu met dat onderzoeksrapport... zou hij zijn eigen verhaal geloven????
Jos goeie en begrijpelijke gedachtengang, sta hier helemaal achter, om Putin in een oorlog tebetrekken, nu dan moet je wat kennen, de NATO is van een verdedigings club, geworden tot een verlengstuk van het pentagon.
ik stuur m door
The Causes of the MH17 Crash are “Classifiedâ€. Ukraine, Netherlands, Australia, Belgium Signed a “Non-disclosure Agreementâ€
Any one of the signatories has the right to veto the publication of the results of the investigation without explanation.
The conclusion is simple – the intermediate results of the investigation directly prove the innocence of Russia and/or the Donesk militia.
“Weak Diplomacyâ€: Upcoming NATO Summit Directed Against Russia: Michel Chossudovsky
The upcoming NATO summit in Wales is held to build a political consensus directed against Russia
“The fact that Russia is not invited to the NATO summit indicates that the meeting is directed against Russia, and that’s the main objective of that meeting,†Chossudovsky told RIA Novosti.
Since there are rumours about the Dutch government signing an agreement with Australia, Ukrain, and Belgium about limiting disclosure of the investigation on MH17 we started a petition to demand full transparency into the progress of the investigation.
Episode 294 – Crashes of Convenience: MH17
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En wie kaatst.......
Vooral met de oorlog in Uw zelf, want ook die is gecreëerd.
You get the picture?
Een betere wereld begint echt alleen maar bij onszelf.
En het duurt nou eenmaal even eer we daar allemaal achter komen.
Geduld is een schone zaak.
Getting Inside the Mind of Mainstream MediaGetting Inside the Mind of Mainstream Media
The soldiers of the Western mainstream media lying machine march on into a new day with new ideas on how to sabotage humanity and create more fear and hate. Try to picture their thought process as they implement their lies daily. Let’s get inside their mind for a second
In the end we’re reminded that we are caught in a dangerous and now predictable information war. The U.S./global government is now trying to exterminate the lives of billions of people worldwide and launch World War 3 against Russia. They want to control all the resources on the planet by geoengineering every aspect of life to convert it into profit. From Ebola to GMOs to chemtrails and engineered drought, they want it all. They also need we-the-people divided and they will do whatever it takes to divide us. (eg… Travon Martin, Ferguson, Bundy Ranch)
Until they get it all, we can expect more synthetic sectarian gangs to be created. The creation of these gangs will always be a secret and a mystery, but the agenda and the chase to terminate them won’t. Whether it’s Al Qaeda, ISIS or whoever the next group they will create, the process will always be the same – problem, reaction, solution. The solution will always be more war, more murders, more secret prisons and more illegal invasions. OMG, we get it! The script has played itself out too many times and humanity as a whole is primed to get inside the mind of mainstream media because we can.
The CIA/CFR and its mainstream media have likely run out of scenarios to fool humanity with. Let’s see this as an opportunity and instead of celebrating victory too soon, let’s see if we can come up with a new idea that involves the embarrassingly easy prediction of mainstream media news. Just an idea I wanted to share with other truth seekers. Do not put limitations on what we (humanity) are capable of. The predictions can be based on not only what we know about what really happened but most importantly based on what we know about how they think and about what their final goals are. It’s the manifestation of true information war. Let’s use all forms of media to play with them.
3 Vaccines That Should Be Banned And Never Administered To Any Child
Before following the advice of your medical doctor on immunization (which is not synonymous with vaccination), you may want to reconsider giving any vaccines to your child until you have completed sufficient research on the risks, side effects and actual causes of the diseases you are vaccinating against. The following are three highly controversial vaccines that many experts now believe should be banned from all vaccination practices in children.
Natural News EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell email from CDC whistleblower reveals criminality of vaccine cover-up as far back as 2002
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046614_CDC_whistleblower_vaccine_cover-up_criminal_investigation.html#ixzz3Bcj6YQqm
Media conspiracy to bury CDC whistleblower story protects vaccine makers at the expense of human life
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046628_CDC_whistleblower_media_conspiracy_vaccine_makers.html#ixzz3BctYanOC
FDA admits not knowing about existence of many food chemicals, let alone their safety
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046623_food_chemicals_FDA_safety.html#ixzz3BctFDxhj
The Canadian government has apologized and paid compensation to the victims of these schools. However, in cases where [crimes] have been committed, the perpetrators should face justice.
In any case, the threats and deaths point to extreme tension at high levels of the ongoing battle over control of the world’s financial system, and thus world power.
Think about it for a minute, the so-called leaders of the West we have now are not visionaries trying to turn dreams of an ideal future into reality. Instead they are murderous gangsters who stage fake events in order to manipulate public opinion, start wars and steal resources. The politicians we see on public display in the West are merely their puppets.
Anti-Russian lies keep repeating. So many proliferate, it’s hard keeping up. The latest is over-the-top and then some.
It accuses Russia of launching a major offensive against Ukrainian forces.
The Cabal has to pay up in September and they don’t have the money. Everyone hates them because of the NSA snooping and the destruction of the world’s economy. The international community has lost its patience. BRICS is accelerating very rapidly as the Cabal is withering.
Therefore the Cabal has to go all out, and do everything they possibly can to create maximum chaos, before the end of September, as that apparently is their “moment of truth.†Ben alluded to something big coming, and I have heard no specifics, other than that the Cabal seems to see the end of September as their deadline and whatever they do, it needs to be before then.
The Ukraine Solution: Two Jewish Homelands???
Back to Khazaria
?? http://www.zengardner.com/ukraine-return-khazarian-serpent-people/
'Kiev, rise up!' Protesters demand ouster of Ukrainian president, defense minister
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